Friday, May 13, 2022

Field Day 2022

Bryan & I flew back from Vegas early so I could be at the school for field day & thankfully, we had perfect weather! It wasn't too sunny or windy so it was actually enjoyable to be outside. The younger grades went first so I met up with Sophie & her partner Kate:

Apparently they finished first out of all of 2nd grade!

Then I headed over to watch 4th grade:

I guess she had gotten tagged at their morning pep rally so when I saw her she was covered in glitter:

I am pretty sure by the end of the day it had finally blown out. 

I came back up to the school later in the afternoon for the 3rd & 4th grade tug of war. The entire school got to go outside to watch so it was fun to see everyone cheering & chanting. Sophie's class was going crazy cheering for Sadie's class:

Dickinson's DJ's lost, but it was still fun watching them in action!

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