Monday, May 9, 2022

Mother's Day 2022

I woke up to a few surprises yesterday morning:

The girls both made me something at school. I believe Sadie's teacher took a picture of her & somehow they turned it into this portrait. She wrote an acrostic poem on the back using my "real" name that was sweet:

Sophie wrote me a letter & my favorite part was when she said she wished I was her sister:

Isn't that adorable?! 

But my favorite gift was the custom gluten free order of Hurt's Donuts:

This is the only donut shop that I have found that makes gluten free donuts. They usually only make them on Monday mornings, but Bryan called & they told him if he ordered a dozen, they would make him a special order. I hate to admit that we ate all 12 yesterday! We cut them in fourths & sampled each of them, half for breakfast & the other half for dessert last night. Yummy! These 3 know the perfect way to treat this mom!

We spent the morning at church celebrating but we waited to take pictures afterwards, which was the wrong decision. It was so windy & so bright - so we are all squinting & our hair, mostly my hair, is a hot mess:

Afterwards we went to lunch. Bryan made reservations early so we enjoyed a nice meal with the girls.


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