Sunday, May 1, 2022

Las Vegas 2022

Last week Bryan & I slipped out of town for a few days for a quick get away to Vegas! We heard Michael Buble was performing for a few days at a new casino & it just happened to be around our anniversary, so we thought why not?! We flew in on Monday & I was so excited as soon as we got there. I mean check out the lobby on the 23rd floor - not only did it have a beautiful view of the strip but it also had amazing flowers:

We flew in that afternoon & of course our room wasn't ready so we were able to use the fitness center while we waited:

When we finally got to our room, they surprised us with chocolate covered strawberries:

We finally cleaned up & headed out to our first dinner at:

Bryan had heard this was the restaurant to go to right now so he booked a reservation a while ago & I am so glad he did! It was one of the most fun dinners we have ever had together! It was kind of like a speak-easy, with live entertainment. They had a 3 piece band, 2 lead singers & 4 dancers:

On top of that, it was at the Bellagio, right in front of the fountains so we had the best view:

After dinner, we had to walk the lobby & see their garden. Even after all of these years, it's one of my favorite hotels just for this:

I took pictures for the girls, so I thought I might as well share them here, too!

After dinner, we walked down the strip back to our hotel. I mean seriously, coming here never gets old!

We even found the barbie exhibit:

Only in Vegas!

The next night, we met up with our friend Emily & her co-worker for dinner:

We spent our days working out, walking the strip, shopping & we even got pedicures:

Yep, Bryan can nap anywhere, even while getting pampered! 

That night we finally headed to Resort World for the concert:

One of the reasons I like his concerts is the big band (he had almost 35 musicians) & he had a choir with almost 30 singers!

He had these pretty cool chandeliers that kept coming down & changing colors:

Last time we saw him in Dallas, we were on one of the front rows & I got to touch his hand. This time, we were in the mezzanine, but on the first row, so we were high, but there was no one blocking our view:

He is such a great entertainer & he played a good mix of old & new music, but I was a little disappointed because he only played for an hour. Thankfully he did come back for an encore, but again, that was only 10-15 minutes, so I had really hoped for more. 

When we got back to our room that night, I took one last picture of the strip from our hotel room. Seriously, it never gets old!

The next morning we went to brunch & then flew out around lunch time & thank goodness we did. It was perfect weather while we were there & the crowd was pretty manageable, but by Thursday, it was getting crazy because it was the NFL draft:

We had watched them setting up stages & tents everywhere, but by Thursday, they had roads shut down & there were men walking around everywhere with jerseys on. All in all, we had a great time! That's probably one of my favorite things to do in life is travel with Bryan. Cheers to 18 years & many more trips to Vegas!

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