Thursday, April 28, 2022

Life Lately - April

April showers bring May flowers! Or in our case, April brings a lot of yardwork. Ha! Every April I dread getting out there to clean the garage & the back patio, but once I get started, I get excited about spending time outside again. Last year during the winter storm we lost a lot, including our palm tree so this year we had the old stump removed & we picked a new pindo palm to go in it's place:

It's so cute & small but it's supposed to be hardy so I hope this one survives longer than 5 years! When we were replacing some of the landscaping in the front, we found baby bunnies:

They were so little, I couldn't even tell what they were at first! Our helpers found them underneath a plant all burrowed together so they had to move them temporarily but then they placed them back:

The girls had fun checking on them every day & watching them grow! 
Sophie also celebrated Earth Day with her girl scout troop. They met after school at our neighborhood park/trail & picked up litter:

Sophie also had an Easter play date after school one day with a few friends:

Bryan & I had a play date of our own one night when we met friends for dinner:

It happened to be our anniversary the same weekend & can you believe we celebrated 18 years?!

On a different note, Sadie had a medical procedure done so we spent the day at Children's Hospital:

She got a stye on her eye back in December, right after she started wearing contacts but it never went away & unfortunately turned in to a cyst. Poor girl had a huge bump on her top eye lid & it eventually turned red so I took her to her ophthalmologist. It was pretty easy to remove & did not take long but they had to put her under. It's so interesting how they did it - they basically flipped her eye lid, stuck a needle in from underneath & was able to drain it. Her poor eye was bruised & really swollen as soon as she woke up:

It was a long day, but she went home that afternoon:

and that girl loves soccer so much that she refused to miss practice! Thankfully it was their Easter practice so she didn't do much but at least she felt like being there with her team:

Finally, after a 2 year hiatus, our school finally had their spring carnival again! Last year they had a drive thru option, but it wasn't quite the same. This year was better than ever & they had so much fun running around & seeing all of their friends:

Moving on to May - we only have 3 weeks of school left & a jam packed calendar of things to d before summer. Should be a fun but busy month!

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