Monday, May 16, 2022

Life Lately - May

 We are halfway through May and this month is flying by! Probably because we are so busy wrapping up everything for spring before summer is here. Our school always participates in National Bike to School day in May so we met up with neighbors:

Of course we see Mrs. Nancy along the way & it's a big party when we get to the school with cheerleaders, mascots, sidewalk chalk, music - what a fun way to start the school day!

Girl Scouts is slowly wrapping up for the spring season also. While Bryan & I were in Vegas, her troop had a community pack night at Frisco Fast Pacs, which is one of the organizations I volunteer for. I was really bummed to miss but so glad the girls got to attend with Sherry:

We are so thankful to have Kimberlee as our faithful troop leader:

The girls attend GA's on Wednesday nights at our church, but it only runs during the school year so we had their end of the year banquet:

They had a camping theme this year & both girls got up with their age group to receive their badges:

We've also had a little more fun now that the weather is nice & since the sun stays out longer! Sophie went to the fair with her friends & had a BLAST:

She is still pretty hesitant to do most of the rides, but she still had fun being with her friends, eating & playing games:

Finally, we got to enjoy another FC Dallas soccer game with friends:

We invited a few families from church who all have girls Sadie's age & also play soccer. It was the perfect weather that evening & it was pretty at night when the sun went down & you could see the fair all lit up:

The coolest part of the evening was when they had a drone show afterwards. I have never seen anything like it before! They were all in synch & flew around, made shapes, changed colors to a choreographed routine. I only took 1 picture, which doesn't do it justice, but still so cool!

Now we can just wrap up school with our award ceremonies & end of year parties this week. Woo-hoo! Bring on summer!

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