Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Life Lately - March

I feel like I say it every month, but where did March go? Is it really April already?! I think between spring break & our school book fair, the month just flew by. Of course we had a few other things happen in between, including my birthday! My parents drove in for the weekend to celebrate my birthday & to watch the girls games. The girls knew they were coming, but I did not tell them they were coming in early, so they surprised the girls at school with lunch:

That night they surprised me with cupcakes & gifts:

The girls were so proud of their cupcakes & their gift - they even wrapped it themselves without Bryan's help! The next night we celebrated at Fogo de Chao & Bryan's parents joined us. Apparently we had so much fun we didn't take a group picture, which I always regret! But I did take a picture of this:

The Brazilian cheese bread! That was the whole reason we went there! Most restaurants Sadie & I can't have the bread but most everything here was gluten free. They even had a gluten free birthday dessert for me:

We saved room though because my mom made me a cake & my sister decorated it - look how pretty it was:

I also celebrated my birthday with my girlfriends. We met up for brunch & had the best weather so we sat on the patio & then we went to see a movie together:

The movie was hilarious & it was the most I have laughed in a long time!
Other than that, the girls are keeping busy with school & activities. Bryan surprised them last week for lunch:

Sophie had a Girl Scout meeting:

They are both playing soccer. I haven't taken any pictures at their games recently, but this was after practice one night. Kate joined her for dinner:

Bryan took them to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants while I was at soccer with Sadie. We can't eat here anymore because it's not gluten friendly, so Sophie was elated to go to a gluten filled restaurant with one of her best friends! 

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day:

And Sadie still loves volleyball:

Besides that, we are enjoying the spring weather when we can & are looking forward to more warmer days outside!

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