Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Spring Break 2022

Last week was spring break & we were excited to skip town! Of course before we went, Sadie had 4 games - 1 volleyball & 3 soccer. She literally had a game at 1:00 on Sunday afternoon & our flight was at 3:15. We decided to go to the airport early, we checked in all of our luggage & dropped off Bryan & Sophie so they could hold the plane for us. They were at the airport almost 4 hours early but apparently, they had a good time. They had lunch at Maggiano's, got ice cream & she played on the playground. Who knew the airport could be so fun?!

Meanwhile, I had to drive across town while Sadie had a snack lunch in the car:

I literally waited in the car with it running parked behind their team bench so as soon as the game was over, she ran off the field & jumped into the car. Thank goodness we did not get pulled over & the valet was open at the airport, because somehow, we made it through security & ready to board by 2:45. Bryan even had a real lunch ready for us so we had a few minutes to scarf it down:

In case you are wondering, yes, she had to fly in her soccer uniform nice & sweaty! We flew to Colorado Springs & when we landed, it was heavily snowing. Bryan even had to dig us out of our rental car:

Finally we were ready to head out - Colorado here we come!

I'll make another post about the real reason for our trip but fast forward to the end of our trip - since we were in Colorado, we drove to Bryan's brother's house & spent the final weekend with them. On Saturday, Bryan & Tim took the older kids skiing at Cooper Mountain:

These two love skiing together & this was the first time she skiied blacks!

Not sure what these pictures are from - I think they are shenanigans from a bathroom pit stop:

Meanwhile, while the older kids were skiing with the guys, Jessica & I stayed behind with the littles. We took them to the St. Patrick's Day parade & let them play all day:

Sophie had so much fun playing with her cousins - she said several times "This is so much better than skiing!" It probably helped that they came home with a lot of candy from the parade:

When we woke up on Sunday, it was time to head home. The girls wanted to take one last picture with Dad because he didn't shave the entire time we were there & they are not used to seeing his beard:

We had an amazing time in Colorado but after a week in the snow, it was time to head home. I'll be back later to post about our trip in between but I will give you a hint - we went to Family Camp!

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