Thursday, March 17, 2022

Sky Ranch Family Camp 2022

The girls have been going to Sky Ranch for years now & they think it is one of the best weeks of their summer, so Bryan & I thought we better figure out what we have been missing. So when I saw an email come across for Family Camp at Sky Ranch, I knew we should go. They go to their overnight camp in Texas but family camp is at their Colorado location:

We flew into Colorado Springs & then drove to Horn Creek. We got there at night so we couldn't really see anything, but it was beautiful when we woke up the next morning:

That's the lodge, where we stayed & spent most of our time. In case you are wondering, I don't think they always have that much snow, but they got over 25" while we were there! Our first morning, we were excited to get out in it:

The girls wanted to sled right away:

By the end of the week, we were pros at sledding!

Every day, we would walk from the lodge to the recreation center:

We definitely had to bundle up to make the walk, but we always had so much fun when we were there! They had a walking track & a gym floor so we spent a lot of time playing volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, kickball & so much more with the other families. The girls' favorite part was the rock climbing wall. They spent a lot of time in there:

Bryan & I even gave it a try:

Proud to say that we may not have been as quick as they were, but we still made it to the top to ring the bell!

They had a bowling alley also so we played several games. I may have had the high score out of our family for the week!

They even had a snack bar so we might have indulged in a few afternoon treats:

After we spent our afternoons in the rec center, they would have 1 more outdoor activity before dinner - tubing! It was quite the walk from the rec center or the lodge to the tubing hill, but it was beautiful & totally worth it when we got there:

All 4 of us had fun here!

They also had a zip line, but unfortunately the weather did not cooperate so we never got to try it. That was probably my biggest disappointment of the week!

Every night after dinner we would have a devotional then we would play family games. The games were so much fun playing with the other families! We played bunco, bingo, family feud, jeopardy & so much more! We played a lot of games all week long. In fact, if we had any downtime, the girls were doing crafts, playing with friends or playing games:

I even caught Sadie playing the piano a few times:

One of their favorite crafts was making rockets & then we took turns shooting them outside to see whose could go the farthest:

They actually had a rocket launcher that shot them pretty far, then the kids had fun hunting down their own rockets in the snow after they launched. 

We skipped one day of camp to drive over to Monarch Mountain to ski:

I had never heard of Monarch, but it was the closest ski lift to camp & honestly, it turned out great because it is less touristry so the mountain was pretty empty, especially for spring break. The girls have skied a few times, but since it had been a while, I wanted the to have a quick refresh. They didn't offer ski school so we put Sadie in a private lesson for 2 hours in the morning:

By that afternoon, she was a pro & was skiing blues all afternoon with Bryan:

Sophie on the other hand is not quite at their level so I hired a ski instructor to stay with her for the day:

Honestly, I wasn't sure how long she would last. She does not like the cold & she isn't very adventurous, but surprisingly, she did AWESOME! I think the private lesson really helped since she got one on one attention instead of being in school with several other kids. He pushed her harder than she ever has & they skied all over the mountain together! She did more than I ever imagined & I think she actually enjoyed it:

So that was our week! We had a blast at family camp, met a ton of awesome families, spent quality time together & even snuck in a ski day in the most snow we have ever seen! I have no doubt we will try family camp again, but next time we might go in the summer for a different experience:

When we left Friday morning, it was below 0!

Let's just say we were excited to go back to Texas for spring weather!

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