Friday, March 4, 2022

Play Dates & Birthday Parties

I know I already did a photo dump from February, but seriously, this was a busy month full of birthday parties & play dates. Literally, Sophie had some sort of slumber party or sleepover every single weekend:

One weekend, they left on Saturday, drove to the Galleria, went ice skating, out to dinner & spent the night at the Galleria. Seriously, these girls are only 8?!

She has a pretty close group of friends & I have a feeling they will be trouble when they get older!

Thankfully Sadie had a party here & there, but not as many as Sophie:

One night, we let her invite a few friends to the opening game for FC Dallas since Sophie was gone:

She would probably rather be here anyway! These girls are a few of her soccer friends so they LOVED the game! Afterwards, we had the girls over for a late over:

When we had another ice day last week, the girls had friends over since school was cancelled. They were gifted kiwi boxes & they were awesome - it entertained them for hours with their friends:

I feel like it's one big play date once a month when Sophie gets together with her girl scout friends. This month, we walked to the local firehouse near our school to deliver donated girl scout cookies:

I will end with a few school pics. Sadie had a big presentation on Hawaii this week that she was super excited about since she has been there:

They also had book character dress up day so we kept it easy. Sophie has a book about a girl playing soccer, so she decided to be a soccer player & her friend decided to be a basketball player:

She was really excited to wear her new goalie jersey! She got it for Christmas & they were supposed to have their opening game for rec soccer last weekend but it got cancelled after the winter ice storm. Boo. Bring on spring - we are ready!

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