Monday, March 21, 2022

Royal Gorge

I have one last post to wrap up our spring break trip to Colorado. As I mentioned, we planned the trip to spend a week at family camp & then spent our final weekend with family before flying home. It was a 2 hour drive from Sky Ranch to their house & on the way, we made an unexpected pit stop at the Royal Gorge:

We literally drove right by it & thought how could we miss the opportunity? It ended up being the perfect day because it had stopped snowing, warmed up slightly & was a clear sunny day. And no one was there! We literally had the place to ourselves! We saw pictures of it during the summer with all of the crowds & I think we got the better end of the deal. We rode the gondola first from one side to the other:

When we got to the other side, the girls went on a scavenger hunt & we toured the theater, the zip line & the playground:

Finally it was time to actually walk the bridge!

All 50 states were hanging spaced out throughout the bridge in alphabetical order so the girls had fun finding certain states:

Of course I took pictures of the views from both sides:

I was trying to zoom in on the river below us because Bryan & Tim went white water rafting years ago & they went right through here & underneath the bridge. Of course the girls thought that was pretty cool:

It was pretty seeing everything just brushed with snow. We promised the girls we would come back some time in the summer when we can try the zipline. For now, I'll end with a lot of selfies & pictures we had fun taking of each other:

The girls wanted to take a selfie in every single direction:

It was a fun way to end our trip before we stopped at Tim's house & then headed home!

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