Monday, February 7, 2022

Winter Storm 2022

Well, it happened again, but this time it was much more fun! Who knew we would have major winter storms 2 years in a row. I know some of you are probably laughing thinking about us panicking about out winter storms in Texas, but hey, we aren't used to this kind of weather! It happened around the same time as last year, right around Valentine's Day, but was not nearly as bad as last year, thank goodness! Last year we had just started construction on our house & had sold everything, so we literally had an empty living room. This year we were all cozy at home with our new furniture. What a difference in a year! Also, last year we did not have a kitchen so we had to rough it with the microwave whenever we had power, which was not much. This year, I went to the store early, stocked up & we ate well! 

The storm blew in on Wednesday night & basically everything shut down on Thursday & Friday - no school, no work, roads closed, etc. But the girls had a blast playing outside!

Our neighbor came over & the girls played with her on the trampoline:

Then their parents took the girls up to our school to sled the hill:

This was one of their favorite things to do last year - it's like social hour at school & they saw a lot of friends again this year:

Bryan worked most of the day & I was literally so comfy inside the house by the fire that I never ventured out! Thank you Missy for taking the girls & Kimberlee for sharing pics!

When they weren't outside playing, we were inside having fun. I baked & cooked. A lot. That was probably my favorite! We watched several movies & we started binge watching the Olympics! The girls made a fort:

Sophie painted her nails:

Sadie opened up a birthday present & taught herself how to knit!

Honestly, I think it's almost fun to have a little winter storm once a year if it only lasts a few days because it's kind of fun to hibernate at home & the kids love playing in the snow. But thank goodness no one lost power or had the damage like we did last year. I think I would be happy if spring came early now!

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