Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Winter Break

Well, it's mid January & I still have pictures from Christmas I am sharing! This is a random mix of fun we had while the girls were on winter break. We did a lot of fun Christmas activities leading up to the actual holiday itself, including looking at a lot of Christmas lights. We went back to the Burkman Holiday Home which was even more fun this year because they were actually on tv this season:

We did a lot of holiday baking. This year the girls made marshmallow pops for something different:

Sadie went to a friend's house & they baked also:

Besides baking, we also went to Bahama Bucks one night since we had such a heat wave over the holidays. We even got Christmas themed sno cones:

The girls spent some extra time with Bryan's parents where they made some Christmas crafts:

And went to Chuck E Cheese, of course!

While they were there, we went downtown & met friends for dinner:

Love when we get to have a date night! It happens less frequently these days with the girls busy schedule. We actually lucked out & had another night out over the break, but this time we went to the Mavericks basketball game with friends:

Last but not least, I did a whole post about us going to Radiance one evening with the girls where we looked at Christmas lights, however I didn't post these pictures because I just found them on Bryan's phone. Bryan & Sadie rode buckin' reindeer:

It was hilarious watching them get spun around & kicked off! We enjoyed the break, but we are definitely back to normal now with school & busy schedules again. 

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