Monday, December 6, 2021

Weekend Wrap Up

I haven't blogged about a specific weekend in a while so I thought I would post a recap of our past weekend. I'll just say that I'm glad we came off of our Thanksgiving holiday because it was exhausting! Friday night, both of the girls had basketball practice. That's right - their first one! Winter season has officially started. After that, Sophie & I went to the Children's Theater at Willow Bend to see Beauty & the Beast with her girl scout troop:

Afterwards they got to meet a few of the characters, mostly Belle & the Beast:

Last time we saw the nutcracker & it was not for them at that age. This time, they loved it! Probably because it was a Disney production performed by children :)

The next morning we were up early & at the soccer field by 7:00. Sadie had a tournament. From there, we went to Sophie's basketball game, where I took 0 pictures. One of the moms took a bunch so I will probably get them from her eventually. From there, back to soccer. Sadie won both of her games that day & then she quickly showered so we could go to Merry Main Street & watch her perform with her school choir:

I'll do a separate post on that since it was her first one but basically, we spent the majority of our evening at that. Sunday morning we were up early again for another soccer game, followed by late service at church then lunch with friends afterwards. We did have a 45 minute break that afternoon where we actually relaxed at home! But then it was off to our neighborhood Christmas party where the girls met up with their friends:

where they finally got to see Santa for the first time this season:

We only got to stay for about an hour & then we had to head back to the soccer field. AGAIN. Story of our life, but this time it was for the championship game & they won. AGAIN! Her team has really played great lately & I am always so proud of them:

Unfortunately, her basketball game was at the same time as their final game, so she had to skip, which is a bummer. But looks like it was worth it! She devotes a lot of time to soccer & it is worth it in moments like this. So we celebrated with a big cup of Andy's ice cream Sunday night. It was late, we were tired & I think we all deserved it after 10 events that weekend!

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