Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Pink Choir at Merry Main Street

At our school, 4th & 5th grade are invited to join our school choir so of course Sadie jumped at the opportunity. She is one of those that wants to do everything! They practice every other week, for one afternoon after school & they finally got to have their first performance! Merry Main Street is held the first weekend of December every year in Frisco Square where they have food, carriage rides, a snow hill & so much more. You actually feel like you are in a Hallmark movie when you are there! We never go because it is so crowded & now I know why - they had 3 different stages & almost every elementary school in Frisco had a performance every 20 minutes on each stage. As crazy it sounds, surprisingly it went pretty smoothly. Our school performed at 5:00 so it wasn't too late or dark yet:

And it was beautiful out there! Look at that tree in the background. I don't know how we lucked out with absolutely perfect weather also. Apparently the kids lined up with the shortest in the front & the tallest in the back so of course Sadie was on the front row. I think she was a tad embarrassed to be in the middle of the front row & right in front of the microphone:

She sang her little heart out & they sounded great! Their music teacher, Mrs. Masood, is awesome & our school is so fortunate to have her:

Afterwards they had fun running around & playing with their friends:

We stopped by the tree to snap a picture before it was lit:

We couldn't eat at most of the vendors due to her gluten allergy but we still had fun letting the girls run around with their friends & check out all of the children's activities:

They wrote their first letters to Santa for the season:

We stayed until the official tree lighting ceremony & then the whole square lit up. It was beautiful!

We are fortunate we live in such a great city that throws events like this every year. In fact, our square is one of the largest light shows in North Texas. We always have fun driving through & listening to the Christmas music. Next time we'll just do it on a less busy night!

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