Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Sadie & Sophie's Ice Skating Birthday Party

Every year I have a hard time coming up with a birthday party idea that will accommodate both girls & their friends but somehow I always manage to pull it off. This year, we decided to go ice skating:

Our town square has an outdoor skating rink that magically appears every November. We were able to rent it for an hour for a private party up to 50 people, so I let the girls invite most of the friends. We even had their cousins from Austin come:

We had record breaking heat all week & the rink had been closed so I was really nervous going to bed the night before the party, but somehow a cold front blew in overnight & it was in the 30's when we woke up & mid 40's by the time we made it on the ice. It ended up being the perfect weather for an outdoor skating party & we had lots of family & friends hanging out watching the kids skate:

I took tons of pictures because the kids were having so much fun:

I thought I would be the fun mom & get out there with them:

I tried to convince most of my friends to come join me but they all said no except for one:

I even convinced Bryan to get out there with me:

We take the girls ice skating every Christmas so at least we have some experience but surprisingly, most of the kids had never been before:

The kids had fun skating to Christmas music & they even made a train skating together:

Sadie invited her soccer team so we got a Renegade picture:

And I tried my best to gather up Sophie's friends for a picture:

As well as Sadie's friends:

When we finished skating, we walked to a city park a few blocks away:

where we had a treat waiting for them:

Instead of the traditional cake or cupcakes, we had a hot chocolate bar set up with all of the toppings, catered by Ben & Jerry's:

It ended up being the perfect treat since it was cold out there! We all sang the girls happy birthday while the kids drank their hot chocolate & we passed out candy canes:

We more than lucked out with absolutely perfect weather & the girls were so fortunate to have so many friends able to attend this year! Thank you to everyone who was able to come celebrate with us!

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