Friday, December 17, 2021

Sadie & Sophie's Family Birthday Party 2021

After the girls' birthday party with their friends, we invited all of our family to come back to our house to have a family celebration. My sister & her kids were already staying with us, but my mom came into town & we also had Bryan's parents & both of his grandmothers. I had lunch prepared & the girls wanted Mexican, so I made sheet pan nachos & had all of the sides & dips to go with it:

We ate, visited & then got down to business, which for the girls means presents! I love having big parties because we are a very social family & I love inviting all of their friends, but I dread the presents. I get that kids like to give gifts & don't get me wrong, our girls love receiving gifts, but there are always so many:

They had a grand old time opening gifts, especially ones from our family:

It had been a week full of surprises, but I had one left. I have tried lots of gluten free bakers & bakeries around the area but it's so hard to find good gluten free pastries. So I contacted another new one, that a friend recommended & had a gf cake made:

It was beautiful but it was tiny! Ha! Seriously, it looked like a smash cake for a first birthday. It did have 4 layers which were vanilla & chocolate, so it was deep, just small. But it tasted pretty good! It was probably one of the most moist gf cakes I have ever had, which is saying a lot, because usually they are dry & crumbly. Most importantly, she liked it & at least it was something she could still have:

It was so small, we could only do candles for one girl at a time so they both got extra attention:

Later that evening, we walked to our neighbor's house because they turned on a snow machine in their front yard:

The girls had SO much fun playing with their cousins & we saw friends there also:

So the snow was actually bubbles, but it was cold outside & it felt festive so we enjoyed watching them play in it:

It was an awesome day - celebrating with friends & family in perfect weather. I think we were destined to have 2 girls born in December because we truly love celebrating this special time of year. A huge thank you to our family for making the trip over to help the girls celebrate. We are always to blessed to be surrounded by you all! Here's to celebrating Christmas with each of you next week!

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