Friday, February 26, 2021

Winter Storm 2021, Part 2

Day 3 we woke up to our coldest morning yet. I believe our power was off most of the night & it was 56 inside our house while outside it was only 1. Literally 1 degree. I believe we actually set a record & it was colder than that but by the time I woke up, that's what I saw:

The wind chill was even worse. It was at least -15 degrees below. I tried to surprise the girls & we prepped everything to make donuts so as soon as we had 20 minutes of power, we got straight to work:

I have a feeling we will be using this new machine quite a bit since Sadie can't eat at regular donut stores anymore:

I had planned on staying inside that day since our house was so cold, but the girls went outside & played around the house. Before we knew it, they had friends join them:

Kenzie & KJ were going for a walk & stumbled across the girls & they ended up playing outside for 2 hours or so! You should have seen how much fun they had sledding down our driveway with an old cardboard box!

While they were here, Bryan put on a show as well. He thought it was a great idea to walk across our pool since it was frozen:

Let's just say our friend was recording it & you can hear me in the background yelling at him! I was so nervous he would fall in, go in to shock, then one of us would have to jump in & save him. On top of that, we had no hot water or electricity so he wouldn't even have a way to warm up! Thank goodness he made it across safely & I warned the girls not to follow in their father's footsteps!

By Wednesday, which was day 4, we had gotten even more snow. I was too lazy & too cold to go outside & take more pictures (because we still didn't have power!) so I took pictures from inside:

At this point, you couldn't even tell well the pool was, or where the sidewalks were. This is literally the most snow I have ever seen in Texas! The girls had a fun surprise this morning because our neighbor across the street has an ATV & he took turns pulling the girls in a laundry basket down our street:

Bryan even went for a ride! We got a lot of fun videos. Next stop, we met up with Kenzie & KJ again at their house:

We picked up Sophie's friend, Sutton:

Then we all headed back to Pink to sled the hill! This time we saw even more friends than the first day:

We were having so much fun, even the parents joined in:

Lena & I even sled together & it was hilarious:

The next pictures I have to give credit to my friend, Liz. She always takes the best pictures & is so great at sharing them:

And my favorite picture of all:

Isn't that a great picture of Sophie?!

We spent the entire afternoon out there so when we finally got home, we all took turns trying to warm up by the fireplace:

As the sun set, we lit candles & made the best of our last night with out electricity. We even made s'mores in the fireplace:

Thankfully we had power the next day! I think we went 3 days without electricity but thank goodness we had the rolling outages. Even though we spent more time without power, at least we had quick bouts of energy here & there which helped. Our snow stayed around for a few more days & we had it for about a week total before it finally melted. We were very fortunate to not have had any frozen pipes that burst. It was definitely a long week, stuck at home with no school & no activities, but we definitely made the most of it & enjoyed our first winter storm together!

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