Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Weekend Wrap Up

We had another busy weekend full of sports, but this time we had visitors & an extra day off from school! My parents went on a quick getaway & since they were driving through Dallas on the way, they left early in order to make it to Sophie's football game Saturday morning:

 Isn't that a great picture?! Sadie had an early soccer game so Bryan took her but they were able to meet up with us afterwards. Our cheerleaders were so excited because the team we were playing had several boys from our school on it so of course we had to get pictures:

Thankfully we had a break in our schedule so Mimi & Doc got to come home with us for an hour or so to tailgate with us at home & watch the UT football game. Bryan even surprised us & picked up Fletcher's corndogs since we couldn't go to the game like we normally do:

All week, Sadie had been telling us that a boy from her class invited her to his football game. Sure enough, she came home with a note on Friday:

Isn't that cute?! So of course I had to take her. We took a neighbor & while we were there we saw another boy from their school also:

Then it was off to Sophie's soccer game & this time we played another friend from school:

They invited us to go get Dole Whip from a local food truck in town so how could we say no?

Sunday started all over again with another soccer game for Sadie. I didn't take pictures but I probably should have because it was the most exciting soccer game we have been out so far since Sadie has played. We had a player, our coach and a set of parents kicked out of the game. We had 2 yellow cards. Oh yeah, did I mention Sadie got asked to leave also because she had blood on her jersey? Very exciting & stressful but thank goodness they won! That night we celebrated by having a girl from Sadie's soccer team over for a late over with her sister:

We ordered pizza, made soap, played Halloween bingo & watched Hocus Pocus:

It was so fun for them to have a normal night - staying up late & getting to sleep in the next day since we didn't have school. Unfortunately there hasn't been any sleeping in since fall sports started up again.

Yesterday I surprised the girls with haircuts. We went to someone new & the girls loved her! She let them watch a movie while they got their hair done:

After their cuts, they both got fancy braids with ribbons tied into buns:

They even got perfume, hair glitter & candy:

Let's just say we will definitely be going back to her again!

It was a fun weekend & I'm so glad we had the extra day off from school & had surprise visitors. Here's to a short week!

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