Friday, October 9, 2020

Life Lately

Life lately has been awesome! We are loving the weather this time of year. The girls had fun meeting up with neighbors & walking to school for National Walk to School Day this week:

Can you see how pretty the sunrise was?!

They also went to an outdoor birthday party with a snow cone truck that I hear was tons of fun:

Cheerleading is in full swing also. Almost every Saturday morning we go to Sophie's football game first then she has her soccer game later in the day so I couldn't help but laugh when I saw her all packed & ready to go for both games last weekend:

Do you see her pink socks & pink bow? They were dressed for the pink out game:

We practice once a week & the girls are definitely older & easier to coach this year:

We also see friends at the football games. Last weekend we saw a friend from church:

Of course we are still trying to squeeze in some Halloween fun around here also. I decorated the house a while ago & let the girls put their Halloween sheets on their bed:

I hope they never get too old to get so excited about little things like this!

Most of our usual fall traditions aren't happening this year, but we tried to at least sneak in a trip to the pumpkin patch, even if it was at our local grocery store:

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