Monday, October 19, 2020

FFL Pink Cheerleaders

Sophie's class has a lot of cheerleaders this year, so many that we had to split them on to 2 squads. This past weekend those 2 teams finally played each other & the girls were so excited! We had all of them wear their uniforms to school:

 Thank goodness their teachers took a picture of them at recess. Look at these silly girls:

The next morning they were up early & met each other again out on the football field. And it was pink out so both teams were rocking their pink bows & socks:

That's our squad using our new Tiger signs for the first time! We still need a little practice with them, but otherwise, they looked great!

Here is a quick snapshot of our girls at halftime being introduced. Sophie is the line leader:

And here is our little photo shoot from after the game:

I just love this group of girls & their sweet friendship:

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