Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Soccer Sisters

 We are definitely in full soccer season in this household. Technically, Sadie is always in full on soccer season but now Sophie is also! In addition to Sadie's 2 regular practices a week, she also has a 30 minute strength & conditioning practice. They started these in August & let me tell you, they are legit! The parents always say we are going to go out there & join them because it's like boot camp! They wear the rubber bands around their legs when they do squats & lunges, they wear the parachutes when they run sprints but for fun last week, they got to do tug of war:

Sadie's team is the 2011 & the 2012's practice before them so they competed against them first. As you can see, Sadie's team was winning so Coach T jumped in to help the littles out:

The video is hilarious when Coach T gets knocked down & then pulled across the grass! After the 2011's practice, the 2009 girls practice so then they made them compete:

Can you tell Sadie loved every moment - whether they were winning or losing:

Sophie on the other hand mostly plays for fun. They practice once a week & then have a game once a week. They haven't won yet this season, but they have improved & they have the best time playing together. We always have friends on the other teams but she was most excited when we played a few of her close friends from school. Luckily for us, Liz was there capturing every moment:

Look at her & Sutton - so fierce!

Because of covid restrictions, the girls are not allowed to line up & shake hands or high five after the game, so they have to stand across the field & wave at each other:

Love these girls & their sweet friendship!

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