Friday, October 2, 2020

Life Lately

Every week we get busier & busier, just like the old days, except now we have masks on:

 We have built quite the collection of masks & buffs at our house. Last week the girls were surprised when they got a package in the mail from their grandparents with tye dye Bucee's masks!

They still LOVE being at school! Occasionally I get a picture of them:

 Sophie's teacher is really good at sharing pictures! And this week I was so excited because I actually got to go back on the campus for the first time since last year! Our campus has been really locked down but our principal is letting a few of us on the board come up to help volunteer so I went twice this week. I even ran into this cutie at lunch:

The weather has been awesome lately so we were walking home a lot from school with friends:

After school & weekends are even busier. Girl Scouts has picked back up. Their first meeting was virtual & their last meeting was outside:

We have soccer practice 3 nights a week between both girls:

and games every weekend:

After Sadie's game last Saturday, we grabbed lunch at Chipotle & while Sophie was eating her burrito, her tooth fell out:

I just love their crooked, missing smiles at this age!

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