Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Raise Craze 2020

 Every October, our school has their annual fall fundraiser, which is usually our Warrior Dash. This year, we can't do anything on campus as a school wide event so we tried something different called:

It was the perfect way to fundraise this year that included everyone - students face to face & virtually. We basically got donations & sponsorships for doing AOK's, or Acts of Kindness. The girls were excited because we adopted both of their classes:

The fundraiser ran for 3 weeks but we spent the first week at the school decorating bulletin boards & helping to get the kids excited. This was the first time a few of us actually got to go back on campus to help out:

They had a Kindness Tree in the kinder/1st grade pod so I was able to find Sophie's note while I was up there:

A lot of the kids really got into it, including our girls! One day, we found this note in our mailbox:

We also found surprise notes on our sidewalk written in chalk:

Most of the acts were done individually but there were a few school wide community acts. I didn't take many pictures of the girls performing their acts because some of them just happened without being planned or the girls did them on their own. They wrote a lot of thank you notes - to teachers, coaches, nurses, etc. Sadie's favorite was the mailman because she left it in the mailbox & the next day he wrote her back! They also painted rocks & hid them around the school:

They would surprise neighbors & pull up their trash cans or jump out of the car first to fill up my car with gas. They even took turns surprising each other & making their beds without telling them! The school collected macaroni & cheese all month so every day the girls would check the box & bring it to my car after school & then once a week I would deliver it to Fast Pacs:

I loved seeing their servant hearts in action & hope that attitude carries on, even now that the fundraiser is over. Sophie had fun & made the top 5 in her school, but we were blown away by Sadie - she performed the most AOK's for anyone in the entire school:

She knew she had done a lot & was having fun, but I never told her she was at the top of the leader board because I wanted her to continue doing good on her own, not because of a prize so she was shocked when they announced her the winner at school! As you can see, she won an electric razor scooter:

I've been joking that now I don't know what she's going to get for Christmas because this was on her wish list!

So proud of these 2 girls & all of their school mates for the kindness they have shown over the past month!

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