Wednesday, September 9, 2020

U90C Labor Day Tournament 2020

Just like last year, Sadie's soccer team signed up for a Labor Day soccer tournament. All in all, we ended up having 5 games in 48 hours.  They were spread out so it wasn't too bad, but we did have a really late game one night & an early game one morning so that helped with the heat. You know I normally don't take pictures anymore but one of the parents on her team took some action shots so how can I not share them?!

I love this picture because they are all celebrating after a goal, but look how little Sadie is:

 That's how it is against everyone we play - she is always one of the smallest ones out there. Thank goodness she is tough because she took some hard hits this weekend. She also really had a hard time with her ankle this weekend so we went & had it checked out at the medical tent. We think she may have rheumatoid arthritis but have not seen a doctor for it yet. Her GI doctor ran a blood test & the antibodies came back positive for it & since it is another auto immune disease, it makes sense. We are hoping she just has inflammation when she has a gluten exposure & it will continue to get better with her gluten free diet, but this weekend it really hurt so we spent a lot of time doing extra stretches & icing it:

I just hate that she is having so much trouble so young, especially since she hasn't even injured it - it's just a chronic symptom she will probably have to deal with the rest of her life. 

The only random picture I took was this one:

There is a family on our team who may be bigger Longhorn fans than we are so they were representing at the tournament! Side note, did you know this was the first weekend that the Texas Longhorns have not played a football game on Labor Day weekend since we have been together? We always to go opening day so it was kind of depressing to not even have a game to watch on tv.

Basically, Sadie's team rocked this weekend! Lots of wins, a couple of shut outs so they made it to the championship game early Monday morning but they ended up losing 4-2. It was a heartbreaker! But the girls had good attitudes & still made it to the winner's circle:

We are so proud of their team & they have come so far in the past year since we joined! They have an awesome group of girls with a lot of talent, so we are excited to see how they do with their fall season:

After their final game, we headed to one of the family's houses to celebrate. I know we have a big group, but we kept the party outside, just like we do at soccer:

We ordered pizza, had snacks & even snow cones! It was the perfect way to celebrate an awesome tournament & the Labor Day holiday:

Go Renegades!

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