Thursday, September 10, 2020

Back to School Parade

Ok, let's switch gears from the holiday weekend to school! Last Monday our school had a back to school parade. All of the staff at our school stood outside & lined the building while all of the families drove the parade around the building. The girls were so excited to see everyone!

All of the teachers held posters & most of the students had made posters also! Some even decorated their cars or had balloons:

That picture made me laugh because a friend shared it with me. It pretty much sums up what was happening in our car - Sadie was sitting up front & Sophie was hanging out the moon roof & her poster kept flying in Sadie's face:

First we saw the 1st grade teachers:

That is Sophie's teacher taking a picture of us! Ha! I was taking a picture of her while she was taking a picture of us:

Then we eventually made our way to the 3rd grade teachers:

It was fun getting to see everyone - friends, teachers, school staff & made them even more excited to come back to school face to face!

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