Wednesday, September 4, 2019

U90C Labor Day Tournament 2019

I can't remember if I have talked about this on the blog, but earlier this summer, Sadie's coach got let go from her academy team so that meant we were without a team :( We spent about a month this summer visiting teams until we found one. She officially joined in August so she has been training with them for the past month & they finally had their first game this past weekend. Actually it was a tournament:

This was technically her first tournament. She was signed up for one in the spring with her old team, but they only played 1 game Friday night & then it rained the rest of the weekend. This weekend started out that way. We got a big rain storm Friday night & temperatures dropped 20 degrees, but luckily her first game was Saturday morning. Because it was early, it was cloudy & cool. Some parents actually had blankets. Isn't that unheard of in September? On Labor Day weekend? It was definitely a nice surprise for the girls:

To be honest, since it is a new team, with new girls & a new coach, I didn't know how much Sadie would get to play but surprisingly she played quite a bit! She didn't start the first game, but she started the second half & started the rest of the games that weekend. And she got quite a bit of playing time:

I was so proud of her! She has worked hard to earn that spot & it was well deserved. Her other friends Kinley & Laila did great also - I'm so glad the 3 of them decided to stick together:

I took that picture after their first game & then didn't take any the rest of the weekend :( After this game, it warmed up quickly & it was hot. Super bright & hot so I spent the rest of the time holding my umbrella & trying to stay out of the sun. They did good though. They ended up losing their first 2 games & finally won their final game, which is great considering they are a new team. I definitely see a lot of potential with this coach & these girls so I can't wait to see how they play when their fall league starts this weekend. 

Guess I did take an extra picture - this is when they were celebrating with sno cones after they won their first game :)

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