Monday, January 9, 2017

Sadie & Sophie's 3 & 5 Year Old Check Ups

I realize that Sadie turned 5 a month ago, but unfortunately,  she didn't go in for her well check up until today. Sophie actually went around her birthday but for some reason Sadie had to go late one year & now we have to go late every year because of insurance reasons. I'll start with Sophie since she went first:

This was back in December, right after Christmas because they are wearing their boots & charm necklaces that my mom gave them. Sophie did great & wasn't scared at all, probably because no shots were needed this time! They took all of her measurements:

and checked her vitals:

and she is a healthy little girl! Developmentally she is right on track for a typical 3 year old, but it was funny because the doctor was worried about color blindness because she didn't get any of her colors right. I have been talking about this for months to Bryan & a few friends, but hadn't really panicked or told the doctor. She sings her ABC's & can count pretty high, but I swear that girl can't get a single color right. Dr. Terry gave her the color blind test but she passed & said there was nothing to worry about. I guess she is just a little slower learning her colors so hopefully that will be something she accomplishes this year :)

What we did learn did no surprise me - she is taller & bigger than Sadie has ever been! I can tell that she is outgrowing Sadie's clothes faster & she looks taller than some of her friends but the good news is that her weight & height are evenly distributed. I'll just have to keep buying her new shoes because none of Sadie's fit!

Sophie's 3 year old stats:

Height: 3' 2", 74%
Weight: 33 lbs., 74%

Sadie went today & she was a trooper. Last time we went she had to get the flu shot & it was horrible. Thankfully this year neither of them needed any additional shots so all they got were their measurements & vitals checked:

Don't you love her outfit? We had just came from gymnastics & it is cold outside so I asked her to put on pants & then she chose her longhorn socks & boots. She is ever so stylish.

They also did a hearing test & vision test, which she passed with flying colors:

Developmentally she is right on track also & is ready to start kindergarten! And her stats are about what I expected - she has always been about average:

Sadie's 5 Year Old Stats:

Height: 3' 6", 48%
Weight: 42 lbs., 65%

I'm pretty sure Sophie is going to catch up to Sadie sooner than I hope!

Just for grins, I took this picture of Sophie as we were leaving the doctor's office:

She had put her jacket on upside down & that was her hood hanging down her back!

I still can't believe that I have a 3 & a 5 year old. They have grown up physically, spiritually, mentally & developmentally in so many ways & every day I am reminder that they no longer my babies. They are independent little girls with a mind of their own! But honestly, I am loving this stage because right now, they play so good together & are best friends:

I think I will do ok when Sadie starts kindergarten next year, but I think Sophie will be lonely :(

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