Friday, January 6, 2017

Life Lately

I feel like the entire time from Thanksgiving to New Year's was a blur. Does anyone else feel that way? First we had Thanksgiving, then both of the girls birthdays & then the Christmas holidays. I mean it was a fun month, but crazy busy. Thank goodness we finally got back to normal this week. The girls went back to school, we had our first MOPS meeting of the year, gymnastics started back up & we even had a few play dates with friends. Such a fun week!

The girls have been playing with some of their new birthday/Christmas gifts. Sadie got some new beads that you can create jewelry with & she loves it:

Her leotard is new also. In fact, they both got leotards so they have been wearing them around the house all week!

They have also been playing with their new magformers & building things. The other night while I was cooking dinner, Bryan helped them build butterflies:

Earlier this week we spent some time playing outside before it turned cold again & the girls rode their new scooters:

On Thursday, the 4 year old classes had an S parade at school & were asked to wear anything that they could think of that started with an S. Sadie wore her slippers with soccer socks, a shirt, a scarf, sunglasses & she even had silly hair. Best of all, she was the line leader for the parade:

After school that day, we had invited our friends over that are going on the cruise with us. The girls changed in to princess dresses & we watched a movie to get us ready for the cruise:

We went with Bryan to the City Council meeting one night because it is school board recognition month & they were recognized by the mayor at the meeting:

That night the weather changed & a cold front blew in. Some how my girls know how to accessorize even with coats on:

Sophie is the accessory queen & she loves her sunglasses! She wears them when it is sunny or when it is raining & she even wears them at night! Sadie was worried her friends wouldn't see her headband so she was wearing it on the outside of her hood :)

We were supposed to get snow last night/early morning so Sadie was disappointed when she woke up & didn't see it. But when we were at our play date this morning, it started so they were so excited:

In fact, it has been snowing for about 4 or 5 hours now. It has finally built momentum & coming down pretty strong. The house tops have a nice dusting but the ground isn't saturated yet. Guess we will see how long this continues. Sadie is determined we are going to build a snowman, so fingers crossed we'll get to play outside later today or tomorrow!

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