Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sandcastles, Pearls & Glamorous Girls

That couldn't be a more fitting theme for Sadie! She loves anything to do with the beach & she thinks she is glamorous :) That was the theme for this year's Daddy Daughter Dance. We told the boys to make sure they take pictures & they did! I even got pictures from friends who texted me because their husbands were taking them too. And I even got videos of the girls dancing - so cute!
I wish I could have been there in person because it looked really nice in the ballroom:

They had refreshments:
The girls danced a lot. And from what I hear, Sadie was too big to dance with her dad - she only wanted to dance with her friends! The videos crack me up because she was doing handstands, cart wheels, all kind of crazy stuff:
Who knows what she was doing there - singing? screaming?
They had a backdrop with an ocean background where you could take pictures:
And there were mermaids:

I'm telling you, some of Sadie's favorite things! Apparently the girls were getting pretty brave running around & dancing by themselves so we don't know exactly what happened, but apparently Sadie ran into someone & she had a bloody nose:
Of course she got blood all over her sweater, white fur & Bryan's suit. Poor thing! At least it happened at the very end. From what I hear, these 2 had a fabulous time & plan on making this an annual event:
Afterwards, Chad & Bryan took the girls to dinner at Perry's Steakhouse, which just happens to be one of the nicest restaurants in Frisco. I am telling you, 2 spoiled girls!

They even got ice cream for dessert:
I won't lie, I am a little jealous that I didn't get to join them for dinner or the dance, but I am so glad they got to spend extra quality time together.

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