Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Daddy Daughter Double Date

After the girls got their nails done, we came home so she could have a quick lunch & get ready. Lena & I made plans for the girls to go to the dance together with their dads, so they came over before hand for pictures. We went a little overboard taking pictures since this was their first time:

Lena has a nice camera so I didn't take any since she was taking them all. After we finished our photo shoot of the girls, she took one of me & Sadie:
Finally, we let the dad's jump in:

My friend gave me a bunch of Valentine props for a photo booth so they had fun playing with those. And then Sophie got jealous because she wanted to take a picture with daddy:
Finally, we got one all 4 of them:
They were about to leave when I realized I hadn't gotten a single picture since she was taking them all, so I made Sadie & Bryan take a few more on my phone just so I could text the pictures to the grandparents:

I think she was getting tired of taking pictures but I finally got the shot I wanted when he picked her up. I know, it's a bit ridiculous how crazy we can get with pictures since everything is digital these days! Don't worry, I got pictures from the dance too, but I will post those tomorrow :)

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