Monday, February 1, 2016

Mary Poppins

We took Sadie on another special date night over the weekend while Sophie stayed home with a sitter. We met our friends for dinner (kind of randomly!) & then we took the girls to see Mary Poppins. One of our local high school theaters was putting it on so we decided to support them while letting Sadie discover something new. She had never seen the show (play or movie) & she loved it!

It was kind of a long production, but both of the girls did great! They kind of had a few technical difficulties that night, but we have seen several high school shows in the past few years & this one was my favorite. Might be because I hadn't seen it in a while or because I love musicals. Since it was at our high school that we feed in to, we saw several people at the show who we knew. Including our neighbor, Heidi:
She literally lives in the house next door & she has helped water plants, take out the trash, watch Daisy, etc. when we have traveled. I had no idea she was in the play but I recognized her right away! That's another special thing about seeing the plays at this level because you get to meet all of the cast members afterwards. Sadie even got to meet Mary Poppins!
Such a fun night. She talked about it all weekend & told everyone she saw about it :) Maybe Sophie will be old enough next year to join us!

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