Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Spring Soccer 2016

I can't believe I am saying it, but spring soccer season has already started. Is that possible? It just turned February yesterday! Sadie's team decided to stay together & they have the same coach, so I wanted her to participate again (plus she wanted to!) but honestly, when I signed her up for spring soccer, I imagined it would be March, April & May. Instead, their first game is February 13. How crazy. They had their first teem meeting & practice this past weekend & Sadie loved it:

We lucked out because it was sunny & in the 70's this past Saturday, but I don't imagine they will be so lucky until spring actually arrives. I have to admit, the girls impressed me. All of the parents stayed on the side visiting while the girls were on the other side of the field with their coaches running drills. They actually looked like a true team! No one cried, ran to their parents, they followed directions & they actually looked like they knew what they were doing! I can't tell you how much improvement I have seen since last season!

I hope that Sadie enjoys playing again this season, but most of all, I hope she enjoys staying active while playing with her friends!

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