Friday, January 29, 2016

Life Lately

We started off the week at gymnastics:

Sadie is getting pretty good at handstands. She loves doing them & I feel like every time I turn around in the house she is doing one against the wall. I got a phone call this week & they are promoting her again to a new class - her 2nd promotion since she started in September. I guess she's doing pretty good!
That afternoon the girls started their spring swimming lessons with new teachers. Sadie did fine & Sophie did ok - better than last week but there were still some tears shed. She seemed excited when we got there but changed her mind when it was time to get in the water:
Sophie is obsessed with her baby doll. She carries it everywhere & she prefers it to be naked. Every time I put clothes on her she takes them off! The other morning I caught her & Sadie trying to feed her pancakes:
Sophie looked so cute for school the other day in her leopard vest so I asked to take her pictures. Boy was she hamming it up! And then Sadie got jealous & wanted to join in:

Speaking of school, Sadie came home with the share bag & she loved going through it. The share bag is a collection of books, puzzles, flash cards, etc. that were all made by Sadie & her classmates. Every school day they take turns taking it home & Sadie hadn't had it since the fall, so she loved going through it with her Dad & showing it off:
The weather was so nice after school on Thursday that Sadie's friend Kenzie invited her over to play in the back yard. I dropped her off on the way home & poor Sophie cried the whole time in the car:
She didn't understand why Sadie got to stay & play but she didn't :(
Luckily we only live 1 street away so she only cried for a short time & then she took a nap when we got home. I loved having a quiet house for the afternoon! Thanks Lena! And thanks for sending me pictures of the kids while they played. I know Sadie had a great time:

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