Friday, February 12, 2016

Life Lately

Monday we went to swimming lessons like we do every week, but for the first time, Sophie walked in by herself, sat down & started swimming without a tear. People, this is huge! That girl always sheds a tear at least once during class & I'm usually dropping her off in tears because she doesn't want to be there! I really think it is her new teacher, Mrs. Jean:

This is the only teacher Sadie had until she turned 3 & she loved her! Sophie had her when she was younger, but last semester we had someone else & I think she is really helping this time around. We love Mrs. Jean! Sophie even went down the big slide by herself for the first time in her life:
Cannot tell you how happy I was :)
The girls also got a package in the mail from Mimi & Doc it was an awesome surprise! My mom went shopping after Christmas & had picked up a few things for the girls plus she had some Valentine surprises. Thanks Mimi!

You know what I have been working on for the past week?
Cleaning & purging the girls stuff! It is time for all of the spring/summer consignment sales & this time it took me about 10 hours to get it all prepped & ready but luckily I dropped it all off yesterday:
I am trying a new sale this year so we will see how I do! I have done the same sale for the past 3 seasons, but it will be when we are out of town, so I had to find another one to participate in. I know most of my friends think I am crazy because they just donate everything, but it must be the accountant in me, because I get super excited making money! I always use this money to turn around & buy new shoes & clothes for the girls. Fingers crossed everything sales this week!

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