Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's MOPS Play Date

I feel like we celebrated Valentine's every day last week but I was so busy posting about the Daddy Daughter Dance that I didn't get caught up on my blogs. One of the girls in our MOPS group hosted a Valentine's play date at her house & the girls had a great time. She had Valentine games planned & lots of cute snacks. The first game entailed Hershey kisses. She had them spread everywhere throughout the house with stickers on the bottom. Once everyone got there, they got to choose a Hershey kiss from a bowl & whatever sticker was on the bottom, was your clue. So everyone went around the house looking for their own personal kisses:

Sadie loved this game! Sophie did not :( She got in so much trouble because every time I turned around she was eating all of the Hershey kisses! Not hers but everyone else's!
Next up, snack time:

It was amazing how quiet the house got once all of the kids started eating!
After they ate, they wanted to go outside because it was beautiful weather. Who knew it would be in the 70's for most of February?!

When we came back inside, we played our other game: Valentine Bingo! Jennifer created Valentine Bingo cards & the kids played with red & pink m&m's. Again, Sadie loved playing & poor Sophie had to be sequestered because she was eating everyone's candy!

Sadie was having so much fun playing with Logan that she did not want to leave. In fact, we were the last ones there because he got out his tablet & she was hooked:
Luckily they get to see each other at MOPS this week. Thanks Jennifer for having us all over!

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