Monday, January 25, 2016

Tummy Problems

I wrote on the blog recently that Sophie has been doing great so we were trying to wean her off her digestive medicine. Big mistake. She hasn't spit or thrown up from digestive problems in the past couple of months. And she finally has regular stool diapers almost once a day. Too much information for the blog I'm sure, but this is the only place I have to go back & reference. Anyway, I talked with her GI doctor & she was comfortable with her weaning her off her medicine to see how she did. We got her down from 3 times a day to 2 times a day & then down to 1 time a day. Every time we wean her, we do it in a 2 week span so we aren't doing it too fast. She had only been taking it once a day for 2 weeks so Friday morning was the first day we decided to skip a dose. I thought it would be good timing since it was the weekend in case she couldn't handle it. She made it 48 hours & then it hit:
On the way home from church she started vomiting profusely & it scared her. Again, trying no to be too graphic for the blog so I took an early picture before it got worse. Poor girl! I felt so bad. Obviously her digestive system & stomach still cannot digest food properly without assistance. She cried for a while but we finally got her calmed down & cleaned up. Besides breakfast, she never ate again all day. After she had her episode she was completely normal again so we went to lunch since this happened in the parking lot of the restaurant. Her coat & pants were ruined but luckily her shirt was saved:
Yes, that is her diaper sticking out :) We were hungry & she was fine so we went inside to eat & she joined us. Pantless! I am sure there was someone in there thinking I am a bad mom for dressing my child with no pants, bloomers or jacket in the middle of winter!
As soon as we got home, we gave her a dose & she is back to her twice a day schedule with her medicine. Her GI doctor originally said if her digestive system were to fully develop, it may be closer to 3 or 4 years of age. Sadie outgrew her dairy allergy at 2, so I guess I was hoping Sophie would be as lucky. The good news is that her medicine definitely controls the symptoms & lets her eat a normal diet. I just hate that she has to remain on medicine.

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