Friday, January 22, 2016

Life Lately

It's kind of fun looking back through my pictures from the week!
Last weekend Bryan & I enjoyed a date night with another couple. They are friends of Bryan from UT & we live about 45 minutes away so we met in the middle for dinner & had a great time! I'm surprised they didn't kick us out of the restaurant since we were there so long:

Sunday morning we went to church & one of Sadie's friends, Bennett sat with us. The girls did very good & were so excited when it was time to go to God's Garden:
On a side note, can you believe these 2 were delivered at the same hospital 2 days apart? We figured that out later! We were probably in the same hallway with our new born babies at the same time!
That afternoon, we had homework time:
Sadie only has 2 hours of quiet time every afternoon while Sophie takes her 3 hour nap, so I started doing homework time with Sadie. I try to sit down with her & work on homework from school - practicing her alphabet, writing her name, etc. but when I am busy & still have work to finish on the computer, she has homework time by herself, which usually entails her coloring :) This afternoon, Bryan worked while the girls colored.
On Tuesday, Sadie invited Alana over after school for a play date. They did awesome! It probably helped that Sophie was napping so they got some time to themselves:
They were having so much fun playing games & making Valentines that they didn't even want the home made cookies I had baked for them!

Speaking of crafts, look at some of the cute winter crafts Sadie has come home with recently:
Love their little art corner!
Thursday was pajama day for Sadie & crazy/opposite day for Sophie at school. I let Sadie pick out Sophie's outfit & she had fun choosing the most random things for her to wear that did not go together. She even picked out 2 different colored boots!
And when I picked them up from school it was raining so I had Sadie's umbrella & she was a very good friend to Alana by walking her to her car so she wouldn't get wet:
Such a fun week! We were supposed to fly to Washington DC today & we were going to have a quick weekend get away since Bryan had to be there for a conference but everything got cancelled due to the blizzard. Thank goodness we didn't get stuck in it! I am so glad we were able to stay home. Now we have a relaxed weekend with no plans, but at least it is warmer here & we can actually  leave the house!

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