Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Farm

A few weeks ago we had a play date at Play Street Museum here in Frisco & the girls loved it. We had been before, but it had been a while. Apparently there are 2 other locations in Plano & McKinney so we thought it would be fun to check those out. The Frisco location is based on a miniature version of the city of Frisco, but the McKinney location is:

The concept was the same but everything was geared towards a farm setting instead of a city setting. They had a cow you could actually milk & horses you can ride. Fake ones, obviously!
They also had this awesome light wall that all of the kids loved, especially the younger ones:
Hayden & Sophie don't quite play together yet, but they are old enough to run around & do their own thing. We tried to keep them in the same area so Jamie & I could visit :) One time we looked down & they were sitting in these baby seats, even though they too are big:
I didn't get any pictures of Byron because he was doing his own thing since he is always the only boy in the group :( But I did catch the girls having a tea party:
Sadie loved the arts & crafts table again:
Sophie did too, which is why she looks like this:
She absolutely cannot comprehend why she can't eat the glue stick, cut with scissors or color with markers all over herself :( She threw 2 epic tantrums while we were there & I looked like the mom who could care less. But sure enough, when she doesn't get the attention, she gets back up & starts playing again like nothing happened. I am serious, she has a double personality. Luckily she hasn't acted quite as bad this week.
Good suggestion Jamie - the kids love Play Street & I enjoy the conversation!

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