Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mommy Gang

Starting yesterday, we are having unseasonably warmer weather for the end of January. It's still cold at night & in the morning, but I think it's going to be mid 70's this weekend! I hate cold weather so we don't spend much time outdoors in the winter. I am not the cool mom who bundles up & takes my kids to the park when it's chilly outside. Sorry :( Guess I lucked out because the girls don't really like the cold weather either, so they are usually happy staying inside. But since we are having a warm streak, we are taking advantage of it! I texted several of our neighbors yesterday & it just happened to be the one day everyone was home & ready to play:

I think at one point there were about 12 kids out there & 5 moms. We joked that we looked like a mommy gang because we took over the street, the driveways & we had everyone's bikes/scooters/strollers lined up:
Sadie got some new sidewalk chalk for Christmas so she brought it out & shared it with everyone. I think they colored & wrote their names in front of 3 different houses:
I have to admit that I was really proud when I looked down & saw this. Sadie was a little slower in her language development & because of that, she has been a little slower learning her alphabet. When she had her first assessment at school last October she was behind where she should be & something happened in the last few months & she exploded academically. We just got her mid-year assessment from her teacher this week & even she was blown away at how much she has learned in the past few months. She is really excited about writing her name but she does a lot of things backwards since she is left handed. Especially writing her name - she would write from right to left & I have been trying to explain that we write from left to right & it appears she is finally getting it!
Poor Sophie naps in the afternoon so she missed most of the excitement. I woke her up so she could come outside for the last 30 minutes & she was too excited to run & play with the big kids:
I realize we are still in the middle of winter, but I plan on enjoying the next few days of warmer weather & sunshine while we can before spring gets here!

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