Friday, January 8, 2016

Sadie's 4 Year Old Check Up

Sadie's birthday was technically a month ago, but for some reason she went to the doctor late last year & now we have to wait exactly 1 year due to insurance which is so frustrating. Anyway, she finally went this week. Her appointment was much more involved since she is older. We did the basic measurements:

Her stats actually surprised me. She definitely looks bigger but her stats proved that she was bigger than she has ever been in her life.
36.4 lbs., 62.9%
 40", 57.71%
Can you believe she is actually above average in both areas! I say I am surprised because she has always been a little smaller than average, but honestly, with the way she eats, I am surprised she's not bigger!
Not much else has changed in the past year for her. She has always been a good eater, a good sleeper & pretty healthy. But we definitely learned that for Sadie, the terrible 3's were definitely worse than the terrible 2's! She's still a good child, but she is a sassy one. She is a very independent, type A personality, which I think will serve her well later in life, but makes it challenging for her parents now! Wonder where she gets those qualities from - probably both of us!
She is a social butterfly & loves being involved. She would do a lot more if we let her, but for now, she goes to school twice a week, gymnastics once a week & swimming once a week.
They did another eye exam & hearing exam & she passed both with flying colors:
I was surprised the doctor actually tested her academically. She gave her a paper & crayon & asked her to draw different shapes, people, identify colors, numbers, etc. Sadie did very well & I was impressed. I still think she excels socially but will probably need help academically, but for some reason I feel like she has started doing better in the past month or so. It's scary to think that she will be going to kindergarten soon. She still has another year at home, but we talked about her starting school & what is expected of a 5 year old.
For the most part Sadie is a great girl & I am so glad she doesn't have any problems at school, extra curricular activities or with her babysitters. For some reason she just likes to challenge her mom & dad, but everyone says they get easier when they turn 4, so hopefully it will be a good year!

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