Friday, January 8, 2016

Sophie's 2 Year Old Check Up

Both of the girls have had their annual check ups at the doctor in the past few weeks so I thought I would write about each one.
Sophie was first & I still cannot believe that she is officially a toddler:

Sophie definitely inherited allergies from her dad so we are used to that, but besides that, she has been a healthy girl. I have noticed that she has not spit up or thrown up in months & she has absolutely no problems eating. In fact she will eat almost anything we give her! She also has had regular stool diapers, once a day, which is irregular for her. All of these things make me wonder if her digestive system has finally finished forming now that she is 2. Sadie had a terrible dairy allergy that she outgrew at 2, so I talked to Sophie's GI doctor & she has agreed to let us wean her from her medicine. She currently takes it twice a day, so she is going to let us try once a day for 2 weeks & if we see no changes in her behavior, then we can drop it completely. That would be an answered prayer since we have battled her digestive problems since she was 6 months old!
I also feel like since she turned 2, she has become very independent & copies everything Sadie does. All of the sudden, she is singing Frozen, wants to wear princess dresses & thinks she can do everything by herself. She even took herself off the pacifier & sound machine! I was going to wean her off those things slowly after the holidays but she just got rid of them herself. I think she wants to be treated like everyone else. She is even showing a lot of interest in the potty but mommy isn't ready for that yet!
I've always thought Sophie was about average in size & I was right. I can always tell from the way her clothes fit & how she is compared to everyone else her age. She has always been pretty true to size & I have been lucky that everything from Sadie has passed down perfectly. Her stats proved my hypothesis was correct:
26 lbs., 41.73%
33.75", 58.62%
Sophie is also a talker. She amazes me with how much she says these days. There isn't a word she hasn't repeated which is so different than Sadie. And she already says sentences with multiple words. And she can sing the ABC's - not perfectly, but anyone who could hear her would know what she is singing. I honestly can't believe our little one is no longer little - she is a full blown toddler with the world ahead of her!

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