Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Terrible Two's Here We Come!

I've probably said this on here before, but we never really had the terrible 2's with Sadie, it was more like the terrible 3's. But it has definitely started earlier with Sophie. That girl has always been more challenging, but it is starting to get worse the older she gets. Bryan actually made a comment the other day about Sophie entering her terrible 2's already & today she officially confirmed it. We went to MOPS this morning & when I picked her up, she did not want to put her coat on so she threw a temper tantrum. But not just any temper tantrum, it was probably the worst that either of my children have every thrown in public. Actually, Sadie hasn't really had a whole lot in public, they have mostly been at home. But today it happened at the First Baptist Church in Frisco, Texas in front of everyone who was still in the church building. She got mad, threw herself on the ground, started rolling around & beating her head all while screaming & crying at the top of her lungs. Her pre-school teacher actually saw her & came running down the hallway to see what was the matter. Apparently, she has never done that at school before. Of course not, she only does it for her parents!
I let her lay there for quite a while & then I picked her up & carried her outside. She was fighting me so hard that I had to set her down again so the tantrum continued on the sidewalk:
I couldn't help but take pictures. Does that make me a bad mom? We sat outside for another 10 minutes or so. I tried hard to ignore her hoping she would eventually calm down, but she never did:
Sadie kept saying "What's wrong with her?! I guess she isn't getting dessert since she is acting like this!". I finally gave my purse & Sophie's backpack to Sadie & she carried it to the car while I wrestled Sophie. It probably took me 20 minutes to get her from the classroom to the car & it was a battle. She arches her back & fights pretty strong - I keep telling Bryan that she is going to throw my back out from trying to carry her while she is doing that. Unfortunately, the tantrum continued in the car:
I finally got her to calm down when I gave her some water. I swear she is the cutest little thing & can be so sweet, but that girl can turn on a dime. It's like she has a split personality! But we still love her, tantrums & all!

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