Friday, January 15, 2016

Life Lately

I follow a blogger & every Thursday she posts about life lately & it's usually random pictures for the past week. I kind of stole her idea & started it doing it a while ago because I have so many random pictures on my phone & it's just kind of a photo dump. I swear if our phones didn't have cameras, I probably wouldn't blog But I take pictures all the time because it's so easy & convenient on our phone & sometimes they are too cute not to share. Even if no one looks at them but the grandparents, they are worth posting :) So here we go - this has been our life since we started the new year:

That was a random picture from Las Vegas that I forgot to post! When I was shopping in the Miracle Mile at Planet Hollywood, they had this patriotic store & had this podium set up & I knew Bryan would love it! I specifically made him come with me to the mall to get his picture. Now this is what comes up on my phone every time he calls!
Sadie was having so much fun being back at Sonshine Academy last week that she asked her teacher to send me a picture of her at recess!
Later in the week, Sophie has spirit day at school!
Sadie was so excited to go back to gymnastics! The gym closed for 2 weeks while FISD was out of school. She got a new leotard for Christmas & her baby got a matching one too :)
One of Sadie's friends in the neighborhood got a Frozen Jeep from Santa so she rode it over today so the girls could play. The radio plays Frozen songs & they were in love!

Our MOPS group met at Play Street Museum for a play date one morning & the girls had a blast. Sadie played in the doctor office for a long time & she loved walking with the crutches. She also spent a lot of time at the craft table while I spent a lot of time removing Sophie from the craft table :) She kept getting the scissors, glue & markers. All things a 2 year old probably doesn't need to play with at this point. One time I turned around & she was rubbing the glue stick all over her face like chap stick. That girl!
And that's our life lately! We have slowed down & enjoyed being at home in the colder weather. As much as we love the holidays, I feel like we celebrate from October - December, so I am glad life is back to normal.

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