Monday, January 18, 2016

Texas Legends Basketball

I cannot believe basketball season started a few months ago & we hadn't taken the girls to a game yet but we finally got to go this weekend. Sadie was so excited to go again! As soon as she saw Dunker, she asked if she could take a picture:

As you can see, Sadie even wore her athletic gear :) We really only watched the 1st quarter while we ate dinner & then we had to take the girls down to the court. There is so much going on besides the game & that's why they really like to go:

This was the first year Sophie got to participate:
Last year she stayed in the seats with me but this year she was pretty excited to jump also. She was too little for any of the games or the bounce houses, but she had one of the best seats in the house:
She can actually high five one of the players at that height! It was fun going back to the game & hopefully we can make a few more before the season ends this spring.

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