Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Coaches vs. Cancer

It's that time of year again - I am the event lead for Relay for Life in Frisco again & now that the holidays have passed, I am actively working on planning this year's event. It will be Friday night, May 20, 2016 at Wakeland High School. Here is our website if anyone wants to learn more:
Last year Wakeland High School really stepped up to the plate & I have a feeling this year will be even better. They have already held their first fundraising event to raise money for Relay. Last week they hosted Coaches vs. Cancer at one of their basketball games:
Chick Fil A donated chicken sandwiches & they sold them during all of their games (freshman, jv & varsity boys & girls). The booster club told the coaches if they made $500 they would match it so the total donation would be $1,000. Isn't that awesome?! One of the coaches even set up buckets around the gym & the mascot walked around carrying it so people made additional donations throughout the night:
Another high school is doing the same thing in 2 weeks. I love how competitive the schools are because it only helps us raise more money for the American Cancer Society! The girls had so much fun at the game, in fact, they both broke down & cried when we had to leave at halftime:
So that picture doesn't look like they are having a ton of fun, but that's because they were watching the game! Sadie got in trouble for running on the court at half time because she wanted to shoot baskets & she has asked us all week long if she can play basketball again. Sophie just had fun clapping every time someone else did! It was free entertainment & easy dinner :)

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