Tuesday, August 11, 2015

GO/FISD Dinner

Earlier this summer, Bryan decided he wanted to invite everyone who goes to our church & who works for FISD over to our house for a summer party. Unfortunately, summer has quickly flown by so our dinner turned into a back to school party instead. Most of the counselors & coaches have started already & I believe the rest of the staff starts next week.
We invited everyone over on Friday night & we had about 16 people turn up. We were actually surprised to have such a good turn out! We decided that it would be better to socialize if it was adults only, so the girls went to our babysitter's house. That was such a good idea because it was much more relaxing & we had more time to visit with everyone.
I couldn't help but laugh because I noticed right away that the teachers were acting like the students - boys & girls separately:

There were a few couples I already knew, some I recognized but hadn't really talked to & a few people I had never met. This was the perfect evening for networking & socializing:

I think everyone had a great time because it was already suggested that we make this an annual tradition. Guess Bryan had a good idea! Next year I will have to come up with a different menu - this year we did Mexican & Bryan cooked all of the fajitas on the grill. Maybe next year we can enjoy the back patio more - who would have thought it would have been 106 outside?!

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