Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Student Becomes the Teacher

Sadie has discovered a new activity lately around the house: school with her babies! It all started last week when we came home from Sonshine School one afternoon. She unpacked her back pack & we were talking about the day & looking at her art when all of the sudden it dawned on her - I can teach my babies! So she went upstairs & brought several of her babies back downstairs & lined them up for circle time. I guess this is what they do at school:
She got a bench for her to sit on & then she asked her babies to sit criss cross apple sauce. Then she went through all of her art work & explained the number, color, etc. And then they sang songs. It was so cute watching her in action!
Not long after that, she decided it was nap time, so she got out the nap mat & laid everyone down for naps:
Like I said, this has become a regular occurrence at our house now. She is always playing school downstairs in front of us or I have seen her teaching upstairs in her room during nap time. I absolutely love seeing her imagination at work!

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