Wednesday, October 22, 2014

PJ Boo Party 2014

The girls & I hosted a play date for our MOPS group this morning at our house. We decided to have a Halloween play date & invite all of our friends to wear their Halloween pajamas. I should clarify - the kids were in pajamas, not their moms :)
These 2 girls were so excited to have friends coming over:

This was actually our first time to have people over since they finished our back yard, so Sadie was excited to show everyone the waterfall :) All of the kids looked so cute & they had a blast running around & playing - inside & outside. We even had a ton of yummy food! Too bad I was so busy playing hostess & watching both of the girls, because I didn't get many pictures. In fact, I feel horrible that I didn't at least get a snap shot of every one there. I did catch some of the little ones playing:

And I caught a couple of moms with their children:

I'll have to do better next time, especially since I am the leader of the group! I was able to at least coordinate one group picture of the kids:

I think there was only 1 other boy who was at the party but didn't make it into our picture. It's hard to coordinate a picture with this many little ones! So thankful that our group has really clicked this year & I have enjoyed getting to know each of the women & their children.

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