Friday, October 24, 2014

Autumn at the Arboretum 2014

We actually went to the arboretum a couple of weeks ago, but I forgot to blog about it. Our schedule was so busy this month, it was the only day we had available to meet our friend Jamie & her kids. It was actually a miserable day & that's probably why I forgot to write about it :) Bryan was traveling for business that week & I was by myself with the girls & that's when Sophie was really sick. In fact, she threw up 3 times that morning & I had to change her clothes 3 times before we ever made it to the Arboretum & we were 30 minutes late. And then she threw up in the car on the way there & it was everywhere & after my car sat in the heat all day, it stunk. It was also really hot that day, especially for October & since Sophie had gotten sick so many times, I gave up on the cute outfits.
But once we walked inside, it was worth the trip. I still love the Arboretum in the spring best, but it is still pretty fun going this time of year:

I mean the whole place is covered in pumpkins - more pumpkins than I have ever seen in my life! Sadie just loved it:

She probably enjoys it more this time of year than the spring. We finally met up with her friends, Byron & Tatum & they brought along their cousin Paxton, who we have played with several times before. The kids had a blast running around together!

I mean look at those girls - they are best friends!

After we played in the hay maze & pumpkin village, we made our way to the lake to enjoy a picnic lunch:

After the kids were re-energized, we headed to the new children's gardens. They had an absolute blast & I just realized that I was so busy watching them run around that I hardly got any pictures there. I found one shot of Sadie playing in the fountains:

Unfortunately, Sophie stayed in her stroller most of the time since she had been so sick & she was starting to get hot, hungry & fussy at this point so Sadie was a little upset that I made her leave before her friends did. But look at this picture - you can tell they are both hot & exhausted!

But have no fear - I got one family selfie before we left:

We sent this picture to Bryan since he was out of town. But you know what happened after this picture? Sophie threw up twice on the way home & that's when I had my breakdown I finally contacted her pediatrician again. The next day was when she had her images done & we started working with the GI Specialist. It usually takes a lot to fluster me, but that day was my tipping point. At least Sadie enjoyed our trip & hopefully next year will be a better experience.

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