Bryan & I work up bright & early this morning. We had to check Sophie in at Cook Children's Plano Pediatric Surgery Center at 6:00. Luckily Sadie got to stay home & sleep in because her Grammy drove over & stayed with her.
Sophie was all smiles this morning even though we woke her up so early. She even had to fast so she couldn't have a morning bottle. All of the front desk ladies thought she was adorable because she was so happy while we finished our paperwork:
By 6:30 she was back in pre-op & they were taking her vitals:
and we even had a visit from the anesthesiologist:
At 7:00 they took all 3 of us back to the surgical area. I didn't take a picture inside there, but it was so cute! They had it all decorated for Halloween with orange lights strung around. I am sure older kids enjoy it but Sophie didn't notice :) They let us stay with her while they put her under. They put this tiny mask over her face & after 20 seconds or so, she was out of it. Then Bryan & I were escorted to our own personal waiting room:
Dr. Russo performed an upper endoscopy & it didn't take long at all. By 7:30, he was coming to visit with us. He said Sophie did great & her esophagus & stomach looked great. At first glance, he couldn't see anything wrong, but he took several tissues to be biopsied. Unfortunately, that will take 3-5 business days, so in the meantime, we are to continue mostly formula with minimal amounts of "clean food". Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since we started her on the 6 month diet & she has hardly thrown up during that time. It is amazing how much better she is doing now that we removed food from her diet! The only bad news is that she has been really fussy lately & I think a big part of that is she is hungry. And she sits in her high chair & watches us eat & she doesn't understand why she can't have what we are.
While we were visiting with Dr. Russo, we heard a baby screaming like crazy outside & come to find out, it was her. She had woken up from her anesthesia & was scared & confused. It looked like she was strapped down & took a few minutes to unwrap her & get her iv out, but as soon as I picked her up, she calmed down. They wanted her to have clear liquids before we left, so they gave her mostly water with a splash of apple juice. She loved it, but her stomach did not :(
Unfortunately, she vomited everywhere - on her clothes, on her bunny that we brought from home, the bed she was laying on, etc. Soon after, she was discharged. Surprisingly, she stayed awake the entire car trip home, but once we got home, she fell asleep hard. She took a 3 1/2 hour nap this morning & a 2 hour nap this afternoon. Luckily she was in a good mood this evening so hopefully it will continue until we get her pathology report back.
So glad the procedure went well. Saying a little prayer that the results are good and gets you guys going in the right direction with her eating.